
BLACKBOX is an AI-powered coding assistant that helps programmers to write better code and increase their productivity. By leveraging machine learning and natural language processing technologies, BLACKBOX assists developers in coding faster, more accurately, and with fewer errors. With BLACKBOX, programmers can easily access coding suggestions, syntax recommendations, and other relevant information while coding. It can also help automate repetitive coding tasks and provide personalized coding recommendations based on individual coding styles and preferences. With BLACKBOX, developers can focus on writing great code, while the tool takes care of the rest.


CodeGeeX is a cutting-edge AI-powered code generation model with a massive 13 billion parameters, designed to help developers write code faster and more efficiently. The model is pre-trained on a vast code corpus of over 20 programming languages, and it supports 15+ languages for both code generation and translation. CodeGeeX is an open-source project, and all details can be found on their GitHub page. The minimal-functional demo allows developers to experience the power of the model firsthand, and additional demos for code translation and other features can be found on the project's homepage. Furthermore, CodeGeeX offers free extensions for both VS Code and Jetbrains to provide developers with full functionality.

Cheat Layer

Cheat Layer is a business automation solution that utilizes a custom-trained GPT-4 machine learning model to tackle complex and seemingly impossible problems. With Cheat Layer, users can access their own personal AI software engineer to create solutions for their business needs. The GPT-4 model is a state-of-the-art language model that is capable of understanding and generating human-like language. Cheat Layer leverages this technology to automate business processes that would otherwise require extensive development resources. Whether it's automating customer support, generating reports, or streamlining workflows, Cheat Layer's AI software engineer can provide a customized solution to fit your business needs.


AskCodi is an AI-powered platform designed to streamline software development workflows for developers. By leveraging machine learning and natural language processing technologies, AskCodi aims to help developers save time and increase productivity by automating redundant tasks and providing quick solutions to common development problems. With AskCodi, developers can ask natural language questions and receive code snippets, best practices, and helpful tips in real-time. The platform also provides personalized recommendations based on a developer's coding history and preferences, allowing them to focus on coding rather than searching for solutions. By simplifying complex development tasks, AskCodi empowers developers to work more efficiently and effectively.


This code assistant is designed to streamline your development process with its natural language interface and GPT-4 technology. It allows you to communicate with it like you would with a human and can access your code to make changes in real-time. The assistant also has a long-term memory and can execute actions such as opening a file to help you with your work. With its completion generation feature, you can generate code snippets based on the code in other files, allowing you to easily utilize functions and classes from other parts of your codebase. The code assistant is compatible with all popular programming languages, making it a versatile tool for any developer looking to increase their productivity and efficiency.


We are committed to improving the productivity and satisfaction of software engineers by leveraging the latest advances in AI. Our goal is to revolutionize programming by creating new approaches that go beyond traditional IDEs and version control systems. We believe that AI technology will unlock new possibilities in software development, enabling engineers to work faster and more efficiently.


Continual is an AI platform that allows businesses to quickly and easily build and continuously improve AI applications powered by GPT-4 and generative AI models. Our platform automates the entire AI development process, from data preparation to model deployment, allowing businesses to save time and resources while achieving faster results. With Continual, you can create and improve AI applications in a matter of hours, not weeks or months.


What The Diff is a powerful tool designed to enhance your team's workflow by streamlining the pull request review process. With its intuitive interface, you can easily create high-quality pull request descriptions, making it easier for your team to review and merge changes quickly. What The Diff also helps keep non-technical team members informed by translating complex technical jargon into easily understandable language. This ensures that everyone is on the same page, leading to increased productivity and better collaboration.

MagicChat AI

MagicChat is an AI chatbot building platform that enables users to train ChatGPT on their data and add a chat widget to their website. With the ability to upload documents, paste text, or add links to their website, users can create a chatbot that can answer any question related to the content. MagicChat's AI technology provides an intuitive interface for users to create chatbots without requiring programming skills, making it a powerful tool for businesses looking to improve their customer service and engagement. is a free mobile app that sends automatic chat replies to your favorite messengers using various customization options. With AutoResponder, you can easily customize your automatic chat responses and send them individually to different messengers. Whether you want to inform others about your unavailability or just want to provide quick replies, AutoResponder offers a wide range of features to meet your needs.