Best practices for setting up a good naming convention for utm parameters

UTM practice

Urchin Tracking Modules, commonly known as UTMs, are sequences of codes built to track data, particularly website traffic brought on by campaigns, conversions, and investment returns, which, when combined, offer valuable insights into visitors' interactions with the website being tracked. They do not affect how users interact with the website because they are fixed at the end of the URL to be tracked. UTM parameters are vital to digital businesses because:

  • They generate valuable data with each click on the URL link that enables digital marketers to easily assess the performance of their tracked campaigns and develop more effective tactics to increase sales.
  • UTM parameters are unaffected by modifications made to Facebook pixels or third-party cookies.
  • They are compatible with a wide range of technological marketing services and frequently combine with different analytic platforms to produce top-notch results.

To appreciate the finest tracking results using the Urchin Tracking Modules, you should be able to understand the purpose of each parameter in a standard utm code. The utm source is the search engine or social website that is driving visitors to your site.

The utm medium is the type of channel carrying the traffic. It might be organic social media, sponsored ads, email, and so on. UCN Track

The utm term is a tracking option that is only used to track visitors generated by purchased keywords or key phrases. The utm content option is utilized when tracking several adverts in a campaign. A combination of these parameters in the order listed above in one URL makes it simple to track and identify the source of visitors to a campaign website.

Here is an example of a link with the three required utm parameters:

A link including all of the utm parameters would look like this:


You must make thoughtful decisions on everything from the selection of campaigns to the UTM, and parameter builders employed, to guarantee that your UTM strategy incorporates as much data as is available. Keep in mind that one small inaccuracy that was neglected during the UTM tag production would alter the expected reports. Additionally, these errors cannot be corrected, which would simply add to your workload when it comes to data analysis. The following practices are best for UTM generation:

  • Decide which campaign needs UTM parameter tracking.
    This could be an affiliate campaign, email campaign, social media campaign, campaign, or even offline. As a proactive e-commerce marketer, we advise you to add utm codes to the URLs of your campaign ads so you can simply track their effectiveness and conversion rates. Voxilo UTM Manager is essential for creating UTM codes that may be used to track campaigns across all platforms.
  • Make sure your UTM parameters are brief, precise, and easy to understand. When producing them, crowded parameters comes with more unnoticed mistakes more likely. The simplest method to prevent this is to keep each parameter's description short.
  • The utm tags are used to keep track of traffic coming from outside sources only. It is not for internal tracking and would lead to tracking problems and complex results when used to track internal website links.
  • Best utm builder for auto codes
    Manually creating your utm codes can be challenging for beginners and even experienced users stand the risk of making mistakes when generating UTM tags. The good news is that UTM parameter generators, such as Voxilo UTM Manager, can effortlessly produce and attach the UTM parameters to the URLs you created.
  • you have to take note of your naming convention as one error can compromise your tracking results. Everyone on your team should consistently follow the instructions you laid out to ensure uniformity and cancel out errors. a little mistake such as using "Facebook" as a source of a Facebook campaign when the custom campaign uses "facebook". The changes in the letter cases would create tracking challenges since utm codes are case-sensitive.
  • To remain consistent in maintaining UTM code naming conventions, you have to consider the following:
  • Use lowercase only. Utm codes are case-sensitive and mixing up cases may not bring the results you want. To be on the same sides, use small letters only.
  • You must pay attention to your naming convention because even one mistake can harm your tracking results. To guarantee uniformity and eliminate errors, your staff should always adhere to the guidelines you set forth. a minor error like using "Facebook" as the source for a Facebook campaign while the custom campaign uses "Facebook." Because utm codes are case-sensitive, the changes in letter cases would make tracking difficult.
  • You must take into account the following to preserve consistency with UTM code naming conventions:
  • Only use lowercase. Because UTM codes are case-sensitive, mixing up cases may not produce the desired results. Use only small letters consistently. It makes it easy for your team to work as one.
  • Use the underscore to break apart words. Your UTM parameters may contain inaccuracies with normal spacing. It is better to use underscores to divide words because a single incorrect space would result in extra codes. Because spaces between an underscore and a work can be seen easily, underscores are crucial.

Avoid using multiple utm codes in the same URL. It is redundant to refer to a source and a medium with the same word, thus avoiding doing so. This can be done by making it more unique by including more information after the underscore or dash.

To ensure that your team adheres to the specified naming convention, don't forget to document the UTM parameters you use and the steps you took to establish any custom UTM parameters.

Before you copy or paste from any URL, carefully review the UTM parameters. Some websites, like Instagram, instantly add an utm code to your URL. Find out if a code was formed after you copied a link and remove it from the URL before placing it on your website to avoid degrading your anticipated outcomes.

It is advised to shorten your URL for a cleaner and more pleasant user experience. Fortunately, there are tools available to shorten the connections. The UTM settings will still operate as intended even if one shortens their connection.

Regularly evaluate your results to catch errors or incorrect codes. It is dangerous to wait a long time to examine your results since you run the risk of losing important data owing to a faulty code that was not caught in time.

To arrange your findings, make a spreadsheet. It aids in the management of the data your UTM parameters provide. Furthermore, the paperwork ought to be available to your crew. Voxilo UTM manager is a fantastic tool for controlling UTM parameters, and we can assist you in maintaining clear tracking report results.